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Welcome to Belvedere Junior School

Welcome to our school website! I am very proud to be the Head Teacher at Belvedere Junior School and am delighted to share all of the wonderful things we have going on in our school.

Watch our short video below to find out a bit more about the great things we offer here at Belvedere Junior School.

Belvedere Junior School is a vibrant school where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. We provide a safe, caring and fun environment where your child is encouraged to be the best they can be. The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. By the end of Year 6 the outcomes for our children are outstanding.

Through our engaging curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning and curiosity that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum.  A curriculum where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and thrive.

The school has a dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards in everything we do and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents, the local community and the other schools in the Pioneer Academy Trust. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard you as an active partner in your child's education and value your interest and support.

I hope that this website will give you as much information as possible about our school, the staff and the many activities that our children enjoy through our curriculum and our extra-curricular activities that you need.

Here is a virtual tour of the school and some of the staff you will meet.

Pioneer Passports

We are passionate in our drive to ensure that all our children are exposed to a range of opportunities and experiences in their time in Belvedere Junior School. The Pioneer Pupil Passport allows us to map key cultural, sporting, and skill based experiences through the children’s junior school time.

Eleven by Eleven

Year 3 Visit a museum or art gallery, visit a stately home or a castle, visit a beach and paddle in the sea

Year 4 Visit a zoo or a safari park, attend a sporting event at a professional stadium and learn to play and perform a musical instrument

Year 5 Experience a theatre, learn a non-curriculum sport and visit famous landmark in the capital city

Year 6 Learn to cook a healthy meal and perform a Shakespearian play on a stage.


dsc_8989_mcBelvedere Juniors Video.mp402255-BELVEDERE-SCHOOL (2)

Check out our new poster in our local Asda store.

About Us

TPA investing in our youngest children
Teachers Opinions of The Pioneer Academy
What do Parents think of The Pioneer Academy?
What do School Leaders think of The Pioneer Academy?

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