Our Extended School Services includes After School Club. it is open to all children attending South Norwood Primary School on a first come, first served basis. The club will operate on school premises in a safe environment, with a team of high quality trained staff whose purpose is to make sure the children have the very best end to their day.
The After School Club will offer-
A hot meal - see menu below.
A variety of free play and structured play with a broad range of activities and freedom for children to choose their own activities.
After School Club Summary
Time: 3:30pm - 6pm
Cost: £12 per child, per day, £10 for each sibling.
Weekly cost: £60 per week, £50 for a sibling.
Location: Collection via Birchanger Road
- Collection will be through the small gate on Birchhanger Road, please ring the bell and wait for a member of staff to let you in.
- Children will participate in a wide range of fun and creative activities that will build social skills and confidence.
- Important Points
- After School club will operate during term time only in accordance with our Extended Services Terms & Conditions. After School club will not run on the days that the school is closed.
- Bookings and registration forms must be submitted prior to attendance at the club. No child will be admitted if the forms have not been completed. Your child’s place will be confirmed by the Extended School Club Manager.
- Payment must be made at least one week in advance using parent pay. No child will be admitted to the club if the fees have not been paid. Child Care Vouchers are accepted. Our OFSTED Registration Number is 142404 .
- Late bookings may be accepted at 24hrs notice subject to availability. Late bookings must be confirmed by the office.
If you would like to register your child to attend breakfast club please complete a form and return it to the school office.
If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact us 02086542983
Email Address: sncc@southnorwood.croydon.sch.uk
Telephone number: 0208 289 4655 (7:30am - 8:45am and 3:30pm - 6pm)